Global Missions

Trinity Lutheran Church and School provides annual support to global missions whose focus is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in under-served communities through mission fieldwork.

Groundwork Guatemala seeks to take the Living Word, Jesus Christ, to the lost of Guatemala and equip the found for a life of service to their Savior. This work to the under-served in Guatemala City and surrounding areas is accomplished through mission trips, as well as stationary missionaries positioned in Guatemala. Anyone interested in organizing a mission trip through Groundwork Guatemala should contact the Church Office. 

Mission India’s goal is to reach the 400 million people in India who have never heard about Jesus – India is the most unreached nation on earth. This is primarily achieved through church planting, as well as establishing adult literacy classes and children’s Bible clubs.

Orphan Grain Train is a Christian volunteer network that ships donated food, clothing, medical and other needed items to people in 69 different countries including the USA.  With a primary goal of sharing resources and bringing Christ’s name and character to needy people both far and near.

In addition, Trinity provides support to multiple global missions as donor-restricted contributions, including but not limited to Lutheran Bible Translators and Lutheran Word Relief.