Our community of faith participates in claiming children and adults as Christ’s own forever and promises to support these individuals in their life in Christ through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Therefore, it is important that an adult or child be baptized in the parish community where the family worships.

Parents, sponsors (for adults) and godparents (for children) are required to attend a baptism instruction class and rehearsal in preparation for the service. Sponsors and godparents must be baptized Christians and Trinity urges that at least one of them be an active member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.

First Communion
First Communion preparation, typically for 5th graders, begins in the Spring and ends with participating in Holy Communion for the first time at the Maundy Thursday service prior to Easter Sunday. Preparation for first communion involves learning what it means to receive communion as a body of believers.  Parents should plan to attend the course with their child.

Confirmation preparation for youth and adults includes a multi-year series of required classes that follow the school year. Preparation for confirmation is appropriate for adults who have been confirmed in another denomination as it involves learning what it means to be a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Adults interested in confirmation should contact one of the pastors. Youth who have questions about confirmation should contact the Director of Christian Education.

Weddings at Trinity are generally limited to members of the church. All wedding requests will be referred to the pastors. Those who come to the church seeking God’s blessing on their relationship should do so with a clear intention of maintaining an active participation in the life of a Christian community. It should be considered normative that marriage take place in the church where the couple intends to worship.

The hours and days after the death of a loved one are a complicated and difficult time because we grieve the loss of our loved ones. This is also a time of celebration as we share in the comfort that our loved one will have eternal life with our Savior Jesus Christ. The pastors, staff and volunteers of Trinity consider it a privilege to assist families in making the necessary arrangements to honor the life of family and friends. Please talk with the pastor before making any announcements regarding the date and time of the service or luncheon at Trinity, and before making any arrangements with a funeral home.