Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
“One Body in Christ”
Rev. Timothy D. Smith
7:30am & 9am Sunday, August 27, 2023 in the Sanctuary
Trinity Lutheran Church & School
Wausau, Wisconsin

AS WE GATHER There are many different opinions in our world about who the Lord is, and many of those opinions are based on who people want the Lord to be. What a privilege and joy it is that as we gather we don’t need to try to seek and find the Lord and His attributes on our own. Instead, He reveals Himself as who He was, is, and ever shall be, in and throughout Scripture. We hear this today in our Old Testament Reading as God, through Isaiah, calls His people to look and listen to Him as He seeks and makes us His redeemed children (Isaiah 51:1-6). As His children, we are part of His Body and blessed to complement one other in faith and fellowship (Romans 11:33-12:8) and in the confession of who our Savior Jesus Christ truly is (Matthew 16:13-20). As He continues to seek and to find, and by the calling, gathering, and enlightening by His Holy Spirit through His Word, we worship in that promised grace giving certain hope now and in the future.

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