Trinity Connection
The Trinity Connection is a colorful monthly newsletter that is published in-house. The newsletter contains encouragement from the Pastoral leadership, updates from Staff leadership, and monthly updates about financial, facilities, and human resources. Other useful information including upcoming fellowship opportunities, Bible Study subject matter and meeting times, and other special events.
The newsletter is distributed electronically through email and posted here on our website. Those members of our congregation that would prefer a printed newsletter can pick it up at Church in the lobby. Members that are homebound or otherwise unable to receive an electronic copy or pick-up a printed newsletter in person can request to be mailed a newsletter monthly by contacting the Church Office at 715-842-0769.
Anyone can submit information to be communicated to the congregation, staff or school families to the Church or School Office. All information will be considered for publication – administrative staff will make a determination about which publication best communicates the information and proceed from there. Items submitted for consideration in the next month’s Trinity Connection must be received by the 15th of the month to be considered for the following month’s newsletter.
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