What is a Christian Marriage?
Marriage is God’s idea. At the beginning of time it was the Lord who said, “it is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him…” (Genesis 2:18-24). Thus, marriage is between one man and one woman. God instituted marriage for a number of reasons. Marriage is the foundation of the family and the proper place for the raising of children and passing on the faith to them. It is the proper place for the expressing of romantic love and sexual intimacy and was intended by God as the place for a man and woman to share life’s deepest friendship, companionship, and togetherness. Christian marriage is intended to be a reflection of the love of Christ with us – His people (Ephesians 5:21). Christian couples desire to love one another as Christ has first loved them. Christian marriage expresses the deepest form of love that we can know in this life. It is a love that gives, serves, sacrifices, commits, forgives, nurtures, and cares for one’s spouse until “death parts us.” For that type of love to occur, Christian couples need to FIRST seek to know, love, and embrace Jesus Christ in their life and then, from the love of Christ, love one another.
What is a Christian Wedding?
A Christian wedding, therefore, is a special worship service of the Church that focuses not on mere
sentimentality or “warm fuzzies,” but on the serious commitment of the couple to one another until death parts them. The Christian wedding IS NOT only about the bride and groom, but it recognizes and emphasizes that Christ is the source of perfect love and that the bride and groom desire to love one another empowered by and centered in the love of God.
A “church wedding” is not for the purpose of having a beautiful setting for the ceremony. It is not
because God will “bless us more” if the wedding is in a church. It is not “better” in God’s eyes because of where the ceremony takes place. A “church” wedding is to be an expression of faith on the part of the bride and groom, and it is to be a reflection of the faith of the couple and their desire to honor and serve God with their lives as husband and wife.
Therefore, a Christian wedding ceremony will include distinctively Christian or sacred music and not “love songs” from the popular culture. It will include the reading of God’s Word from the Bible, a wedding address that is centered in Christ but applicable to the couple, and vows that reflect the Christian teaching on marriage as a lifelong commitment of love and faithfulness.
While a Christian wedding ceremony is a time of worship, it is also a time of celebration and joy as God unites two people into “one flesh” (Matthew 19:6). Therefore, a festive atmosphere of joy, celebration, and family love is always welcome as well.
What is the Process for Scheduling a Wedding at Trinity?
- Make an appointment with a Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church by calling the Church Office at 715.842.0769.
- Read through a copy of Trinity’s Wedding Manual (provided by the pastor).
- After reviewing the Wedding Manual and determining that you desire a Christian wedding through Trinity Lutheran Church, please submit your application (provided by the pastor).
- Following review by one of the Pastors, you will be contacted for your initial appointment as a couple pursuing Christian Marriage.
PLEASE NOTE: The wedding date is NOT secured until AFTER your initial appointment. At this time you are welcome to discuss any issues or ask any questions you may have regarding having your wedding at Trinity. Similarly, the Pastor may wish to discuss with you important matters of faith and life.