Band of Brothers is a men’s Ministry that exists to help raise up Godly generations of men who will disciple others.

Our Bible Study focuses on: 

The Bible as a remarkable manual for everyday life.

It holds insight to order life and to reorder it when it goes off track.

Whoever we are in the present circumstance, whatever role we have, we are the very people Jesus came to be with. In him we find a savior offering grace.

We can take comfort in knowing that our God is the God of forgiveness, grace, mercy, hope and love.  He never fails us!

The Band of Brothers Bible Study will meet every Saturday

from 8:00-8:45am in the Parlors.

No need to register just show up for the fellowship any given Saturday

If you would like more information we would love to hear from you,

please fill out the contact form below to get connected.

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