Weekly Worship: Saturdays @ 5pm; Sundays @ 7:30am & 9am Office Hours Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm
Trinity Lutheran Church - Sun

Trinity Lutheran Church: Welcome to Our Family

GATHERING people who GROW in faith and SHARE Jesus with all.


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We gather together in worship and fellowship to share in Word and Sacrament ministry, Bible-based sermons, and to the praise and glory of our triune God. This Christ-centered foundation for our faith sets the stage for all we do as Trinity Lutheran Church and School.


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We grow together in Christian Education to strengthen our knowledge of both Law and Gospel at all ages. A thoughtful and thorough study of God's living Word equips us to share the Gospel.


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We go beyond the walls of our church and school to share the love and forgiveness of our Savior Jesus Christ. When we leave the building, we do not leave the church - the Church leaves the building and enters the mission field.


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Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
“Cry Out to God”
Rev. Timothy D. Smith
7:30am & 9am Sunday, October 16, 2022 in the Upper Sanctuary
Trinity Lutheran Church & School
Wausau, Wisconsin

FOCUS: How shall we pray? That question is the focus of today’s Readings. With Jacob as a model, our prayer might seem to be a struggle with God’s will. And Jesus’ parable teaches that prayer is a long-term effort. But prayer is more than a monologue; the Epistle reminds us that God started the conversation with His Word. The Spirit has used Word and Sacrament to awaken and guide our faith. Within that relationship, prayer is a conversation begun by God and continued each day. In worship, we do that with our brothers and sisters in Christ, moving from individual concerns to those of the Body of Christ, the Church. And in worship, we take the time to listen as God accuses and then excuses us by grace for Jesus’ sake. So let us pray and worship together.

Category Traditional
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