Weekly Worship: Saturdays @ 5pm; Sundays @ 7:30am & 9am Office Hours Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm
Trinity Lutheran Church - Sun

Trinity Lutheran Church: Welcome to Our Family

GATHERING people who GROW in faith and SHARE Jesus with all.


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We gather together in worship and fellowship to share in Word and Sacrament ministry, Bible-based sermons, and to the praise and glory of our triune God. This Christ-centered foundation for our faith sets the stage for all we do as Trinity Lutheran Church and School.


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We grow together in Christian Education to strengthen our knowledge of both Law and Gospel at all ages. A thoughtful and thorough study of God's living Word equips us to share the Gospel.


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We go beyond the walls of our church and school to share the love and forgiveness of our Savior Jesus Christ. When we leave the building, we do not leave the church - the Church leaves the building and enters the mission field.


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Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
“The Proof of God”
Rev. Timothy D. Smith
7:30am & 9am Sunday, September 25, 2022

FOCUS In the traditional “learning trio” of reading, writing, and arithmetic, the first two of the listed disciplines deal with words. Spoken and written communication are vital throughout life. But learning numbers and how to work with them, understand them, and use them well is also important. The books of the Bible include many numbers, each of which has special significance. The fourth book of the Old Testament is called Numbers
because it contains the results of two censuses of the Hebrew people taken after the exodus from Egypt, one beginning in the first chapter and the second beginning in chapter 26. The Lord God demanded that each of His people was accounted for and known. His care for each of us continues, as is reflected in His Word through the prophet Isaiah, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Mine” (Isaiah 43:1b). God
sees each of us as “number one” in His loving view!

Category Traditional, Worship
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