Fourth Sunday in Advent
“The Virgin’s Son”
Rev. Timothy D. Smith
7:30am & 9am Sunday, December 18, 2022 in the Upper Sanctuary
Trinity Lutheran Church & School
Wausau, Wisconsin
FOCUS Millions of names exist in this world. Some are similar but have variations in different languages. Some have great historic meaning, while others are
created new because they sound good to the name-giver. Yet with all the names
that exist throughout the nations, there is only one name that saves, and that
name is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. As we enter the last week of Advent, we
hear the power of His name prophesied to Ahaz, affirmed in Romans, and spoken
to Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father, prior to His birth. And more than just a name,
“Immanuel” is a sign that God is with His people. As we approach Christmas joy,
we give thanks for the name above all names, through whom “the Lord saves.”