Board of Elders
The Board of Elders at Trinity Lutheran Church and School is also known as the Board of Lay Ministry. The Elders, defined by our Constitution and Bylaws, are male members noted for their Christian knowledge, zeal and experience in the spiritual work of the Kingdom of Christ, who are elected by the congregation.
The basic objectives of this ministry are the spiritual welfare of the pastors and congregation members and the supervision of everything pertaining to congregational worship. The Lay Ministry participates in the personnel selection and ongoing supervision of called staff who do not report to the Day School Board.
Parish Council
The Parish Council at Trinity Lutheran Church and School is made up of members who are elected officers, staff leaders, and leaders of the ministries of the church. The meetings are overseen by the elected Chairman of the congregation.
The Parish Council is not only a decision-making body, but also serves as a forum where the activities of the administrative ministries may be discussed, evaluated, and coordinated, and where all such activities may be integrated into an overall congregational program.
School Board
The school Board at Trinity Lutheran Church and School is made up of members known to be spiritually mature Christians, full of the Spirit and wisdom, forgiving as Christ forgave them, demonstrating brotherly love, letting the peace of Christ rule in their hearts, letting the word of Christ dwell in them richly, and demonstrating spiritual leadership by their own examples.
The School Board works to set and maintain policies that are clear and realistic providing guidance to the School Board as well as the Principal and Director of Childcare.