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All Saints’ Day (Observed)
“Rejoice With All the Saints”
Rev. James L. Mayland
7:30am & 9am Sunday, November 5, 2023 in the Sanctuary
Trinity Lutheran Church & School
Wausau, Wisconsin


AS WE GATHER Every year on either November 1 or the first Sunday of November, we
pause our busy lives to remember the saints. Lutherans teach that saints are sinners baptized
into Christ, they are sinners redeemed by the cross of Jesus, and they are sinners who gave us
examples of trusting not in their own heroic feats but in the grace and mercy of God in Jesus.
Why remember saints? Our Augsburg Confession of 1530 says it clearly: “Our churches teach
that the history of saints may be set before us so that we may follow the example of their faith
and good works, according to our calling” (AC XXI 1). Why remember the saints? To thank God
for their life and witness, to be encouraged in our walk of faith, and to remember and rejoice
for God giving us examples of how grace and faith look in the real lives of people we knew.

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